Blog A Cheat Sheet to New Product Creation There are many New Product Development (commonly referred to as NPD) frameworks. Some focus on…adminJuly 9, 2020
BlogUncategorized Don’t Just Sell what you make; Make what might sell! Let’s delve deeper in to this ‘User first technology later’ conundrum discussed in the last…adminJune 7, 2020
BlogUncategorized Train your Mind on the User User first, Technology Later After having discussed about Last-mile user Connect, it is a good…adminJune 7, 2020
BlogUncategorized Last Mile User Connect The Beginning Where does the journey of an Innovation begin? Many say, it begins with…adminJune 7, 2020
BlogUncategorized Thou Shall Create WIN-WIN Situations What does it take to succeed in business? A great product? A great service? An…adminJune 7, 2020
BlogUncategorized Can the selling price of a product be lower than the cost of its material? adminMay 23, 2020
BlogDesign Thinking CoachIdeation ExpertThinking Catalyst Using Design Thinking to INNOVATE in Service Based Businesses [A Case Study] adminFebruary 6, 2019
Uncategorized Usage based Pricing in the Automobile Industry: A win-win for all With internet connectivity becoming ubiquitous, every object will soon become electronically connected with everything around,…adminOctober 25, 2018
Uncategorized Compliance based pricing in the Insurance industry: A win-win for all Current Scenario Today, insurance companies charge a premium that is based on the age and…adminOctober 25, 2018